Friday, August 30, 2013

The Wait is (Almost) Over!

After eight years of writing, two rewrites, three complete edits, four separate pairs of eyes, and one tired writer, Summer's Hollow is OFFICIALLY in publishing mode! Now I know you all are thinking: that I'm the girl who cried wolf here after what happened this past May. This time though, it's for real! I can't thank my friends and family enough for their support (especially my fiance who dealt with my breakdowns and torching my failed attempt at publishing).

As it turns, out my failed first attempt was probably the best thing that ever happened to Summer's Hollow. During the last rewrite I got to know my characters better, had the chance to scare the readers more, and added some essential pieces that were missing to the back story. All in all I am even more proud of how great it has turned out and can't wait for you all to read it! (Seriously I'm bouncing in my seat right now while typing this). So without further ado I give you the OFFICIAL release date of my first full length and print novel, Summer's Hollow:

                           Friday, September 13th, 2013!


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