For the longest time I wanted a dog; when we were house hunting one of our stipulations was that we had to have a fenced in backyard. We've been mulling over for a while about moving forward with adopting a dog. We weighed the cost, time, and logistics. Then when we started searching, it was certain that we wanted a dog.
We went through one rescue group and got to meet the cutest little German Shepard, beagle mix. We had disclosed from the beginning that we had a snake; we don't hide the fact that we have Isabelle. Then once we got farther in the process, we were denied our aplication to adopt from them since they thought "a dog could get tangled up in the snake." Yeah... completely ridiculous, I know. We were a little discouraged but trekked forward.
Not a few days later I saw Atom's picture on another rescue group's site that a friend recommended. Put in our application, and the next day the head of the group, and Atom's foster mom, called me back to set up a time to come meet Atom. Right away we fell in love. He greeted us at the door, wouldn't leave our sides (even when I went to the bathroom) and that night we took him home.
Since Thursday Atom has been adjusting well to his new home. He's found his favorite places to curl up in our house, has been loving our backyard, and has had a ball exploring the neighborhood on our walks. It's safe to say that he was destined to live in our household.
I'm so happy you found your furbaby.
Thanks! :)
My George is a mix much like Atom, also from a shelter in SC...in fact, the shelter he came from regularly send dogs to the Northeast for rescue. Atom didn't happen to come from Darlington County did he?!
In any case, congratulations to you all! And thank you for adopting and saving a life!
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