Seriously, at this point the
coffee and I have become one entity entirely. You might have noticed my
complete lack of blog posts as of late. That’s because my life has decided to
become a splash page of multiple jobs, school, and gods knows what else. At
this point the closest thing I have to a social life is my Netflix account.
Since September 23 (my last post)
I have been officially promoted to Lead Writer/Editor, have taken on a second
job as a Fitness Instructor, completed my second to last Master’s course, and
finished the first draft to Return to Summer’s Hollow. I get winded just from
typing that. Here I thought once I was married, settled into my house, and got
a hold on work things would slow down. Yeah, they sped up to light speed rates.
But hey, that’s how I roll. Sleep, pshhh, who needs it?
In reality though I’m so happy
with the direction that things have been going. My promotion has come with new
responsibilities and the ability to actually write some official DoD
articles/papers. This of course though means more meetings, more interaction
with the big wigs, and more time spent actually doing work at work (imagine
In addition to my full-time job,
I was asked to teach the fitness class that I have been taking for the past
year. It’s called SkyCore and it’s a strength training/core class done on
trampolines. That then takes up my Tuesday nights and Sunday mornings. It is
insanely awesome and I love teaching it. I’ve have a new obsession with
researching work outs and posing the question: “Can this be done on a
Then there’s my Master’s Program
that I have a love/hate relationship with. I really do love Geospatial Science;
I love creating these interactive maps/databases/websites. On the flipside
though, it is SO TIME CONSUMING. On average I spend about 4 hours on each
homework assignment. Final projects I spend anywhere from 15 hours to 35 hours
all together. The end is in sight though. My final class starts this Wednesday
and then after that I have a semester to work solely on my Capstone Project. The
home stretch has started and then I will be done with school (until I decide to
get another degree).

Needless to say my absence from
the blogging world is well justified. It is my hope that I will be able to go
back to my once a week posts on various anthropology, technology, and writing
posts. Frankly, not having this outlet to get my thoughts out has had me a
little backed up lately. I’ve been waiting to burst with all this great news
for a while now, but it was never quite the time. Today, the start of a new
month, seemed like the perfect day to put all of this out there. Now excuse me
while I go drink my 18th cup of coffee for the day.
Hail Coffee! :)
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