The other kids were slightly jealous of
my teacher’s pet status as I was highly intelligent for my young age. The
pig-adorned classroom was filled with my perfect penmanship (as well as others,
I suppose) and quick math skills (which were promptly lost somewhere around fourth
grade). I was living the first grade dream, and my friends were riding on my
Then I got my first gig in the spotlight.
My teacher noticed that I always had a notebook on hand; I was always scribbling
down short stories (couple sentences here and there). She tasked me with writing
a puppet show for a group of my friends to act out. I took to my blank pages
and crafted a harrowing story of a pig and a dog who, against all odds, became best
friends. My friends fought over the coveted
spot of the pig and were quick to skillfully craft their Popsicle stick
The show went on without a hitch and we
ended with a thunderous applause from the captivated audience. I was awarded a
certificate for my achievement and was crowned with the highest honor of “Pigtastic
Author.” To this day I still have that certificate and shirt with the ironed on
pig in a dress. From there the fame only increased but I am always remembered
my big break into the world of storytelling.
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