Despite all of these sites and other archaeological evidence, there are still of a lot of questions that are unanswered regarding ancient, ritual burials. In our modern society, ritual burials are just another part of life. Someone dies, and we spend thousands of dollars to pick out a burial site, casket, and head stone. We echo the practices of many of the ancients to ensure that the dead are well taken care of and spend the rest of their eternity in a comfortable (and sometimes excessively lavish) space.
Though burial sites are fascinating to me, I don’t quite understand the point to all of them. Maybe it’s my scientific background that overshadows my spiritual one, but once the soul leaves the body, to me, the body is just a shell. It’s just flesh and bone. Our society’s obsession with the dead, though warranted, is something that I still have a hard time wrapping my head around. Sure I do find graveyards beautiful, and in many of my stories they play a significant part, but in some ways it’s kind of a waste.
The comfort that some people find in visiting gravesites is just lost on me. I’m more likely to just address a family member that has passed in their homes or just wherever I happen to be. When I die I’m donating my body to the body farm. Might was well use my decaying flesh to help further then study of forensics rather than wasting away in a decorated pine box.
The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion and Science. Thames & Hudson. 1996. ISBN 0-500-05081-3.
Image is from the Kebara Cave Burial Site in modern day Israel.
I want to be cremated and my ashes used to make fireworks.
That's awesome, LaTrice!
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