Yeah I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote a post but lately my life has been extremely busy but in a good way. I’ve been working like a maniac at my job as well as volunteering at the museum on both the Exhibits and Collections committee. On top of that I’m in the process of getting my book published and I have three publishers that are interested in it. Also my boyfriend has been teaching me how to play racquetball so I’ve been attempting to practice and get good at that (which has been interesting to say the least).
Needless to say my blogging has fallen to the wayside. This saddens me since my writing is my first passion in life. This though leads me to the second passion in my life that I recently had an epiphany about thus leading to me figuring out exactly what I want to do with my life. See my second passion is Museums Exhibits. I love taking research and ideas, putting them together and designing an exhibit so that everyone can share in the experience. THAT is what I want to be doing with my life. This epiphany came when I was with my boyfriend and friend in DC this past weekend. We wandered around a bunch of museums and I realized I wanted to be the one who’s name was on the exhibits.
So then the question is how do I get there? If you all have been following my life for the past year you will know that I have applied for at least 25 jobs at the Smithsonian and another 15 at other museums around the country. No dice obviously, so I landed my current job at a Government Contractor specializing in IT. Originally upon working for them I had seen the opportunity to go into the GIS field and promptly applied for the Master’s program at the University of Maryland. I then continued in my job which is mostly HR and Administrative Management and I was happy.
Then I started dating my current boyfriend and I saw him going through the same process that I did applying for jobs. He was ready, like I was, to take any job that wasn’t necessary in his field because well it was a job. Though he didn’t have to as he started to get interviews and talk to people in his field. He was pursuing his dreams and I’ll admit I was jealous. Here I was with a great job that’s in a great location, great pay, great people… but it wasn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I felt like I was stuck that I wasn’t going anywhere.
That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands and pursue my dream. This involved applying for my Masters in Museum Studies from John Hopkins University. The program is everything that I have ever wanted, including a two week stint working on a project at one of the Smithsonian Museums in DC. So yeah I’m pursuing my dreams now. Still working for my current company because I really do enjoy my job but now I feel like I’m working towards something now.
So what’s next for me? Well I will continue to work here, continue to volunteer at the museum, continue to work on my book all while waiting to hear back from John Hopkins to see if I got into the program. I finally feel like I am back on the path that I steered off of when pursuing my dreams. I also am going to try to devote more time to writing (both my blog posts and my stories) because that is my first passion in life. So thank you all for baring with me as I take this crazy journey and I promise to once again fill your heads with lots of fun anthropological knowledge!
Image Courtesy of thinkhero.com